  >  Greece   >  Is Mykonos worth visiting?
picturesque alleyway in mykonos with bougainvillea leading to a Greek whitewashed church

Even if you’ve never been to Greece, you’ve probably heard of Mykonos. Or more than likely, you’ve seen it pop up on your instagram feed. Picturesque cobbled streets, charming whitewashed buildings, those beautiful old windmills at sunset – these are all things that make the island so beloved. Of course, its popularity among tourists also makes it one of the most expensive islands in Greece. So is Mykonos worth visiting, or should you choose another Greek island for your holiday?

I visited Mykonos last year after googling this very same question. I’d seen it so much on my instagram feed, and it looked unbelievably beautiful. I also knew it would be touristy, as most popular places are. So now that I have visited it, I feel qualified to answer the question that I desperately wanted to know myself. But before we dive into the reasons not to visit, let’s discuss what makes Mykonos so iconic.

Why visit Mykonos?

Mykonos old town

If you have seen photos of Mykonos, chances are they were taken in the old town. This place is so charming, and an absolute goldmine for instagram photos. Every corner is picture perfect, which is why it attracts so many influencers each year.

Little Venice

We all know the iconic Greek whitewashed buildings, but did you know that Mykonos has its own row of Venetian-style buildings that sit by the waters edge? This romantic spot is aptly called “Little Venice”, and visitors flock here at sunset to enjoy its many bars and restaurants.

cobbled streets of little venice

Windmills at sunset

I couldn’t write about Mykonos and not mention the windmills that are so iconic to the island’s landscape. There is something special about seeing the sun set by those beautiful old buildings, especially since they sit right by picturesque Little Venice.

Panagia Paraportiani

All of the Greek islands have beautiful old churches, but this gorgeous white-washed church still stands out to me as one of the most unique. It sits right by the sea in all its glory, contrasting beautifully with the cobbled stone ground. And of course, it makes for a stunning photo opportunity (guilty!).

Lively nightlife

Despite being a relatively small island, Mykonos comes alive at night. The bars stay open late and there are countless beach clubs and parties to indulge in, if you so choose. Mykonos is well known for its nightlife, and this night-time liveliness makes it stand out from other Cycladic islands.

Bars in Little Venice full of tourists wining and dining

Mykonos Airport

Perhaps one of the reasons that this island is visited by so many is that it has its own airport. That certainly makes getting there a lot easier if you are flying internationally.

Reasons not to visit Mykonos

Now that we have discussed why people visit Mykonos, let’s look at some of the reasons you might not want to visit.

It’s touristy

Although it is beautiful, Mykonos feels like the Disneyland of Greece. It’s full of Americans (no hate – just a fact), crawling with cruise ship tourists and overflowing with tacky shops geared towards this particular kind of crowd. Nothing feels authentic here, and you bet that any photo you get will have been taken a thousand times before, and a thousand times after. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but it does take away the feeling of a unique experience.

Cruise ship galore

Any popular seaside destination will have cruise ships, but I have never seen so many in one small place than I did in Mykonos. They will always be in your view of the sea (and the sunset), and their passengers overcrowd the narrow streets during the day. Especially when they do group tours in the old town. It’s an absolute nightmare.

It’s expensive

Is Mykonos expensive? The answer is undoubtedly yes. Compared to the other Greek islands I visited, this place is an absolutely off the charts with its prices. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. 60 euros for one night in a 20-bed dorm? Hello?! Everything is overpriced here – food, accommodation, souvenirs, you name it. Of course it is still possible to do it on a budget, especially if you are travelling with more than one person, but it’s not exactly easy.


Ultimately, deciding whether it’s worth visiting this island completely depends on what kind of traveller you are. If you love to party and just want to get some cute instagram photos during the day, then Mykonos might be the perfect destination for you. If you’re after an authentic “Mamma Mia” Greek island experience, however, I would definitely recommend visiting some of the other islands in the Cyclades instead (like Paros, Naxos or Syros).

girl walking through mykonos picturesque old town

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